End-to-end solution in Digital X-ray & CAD
We are driving health equity by developing medical imaging solutions innovations for hard-to-reach regions.
Voices of Our Partners
CAD/AI will be a more sensitive diagnostic pathway to early detection of tuberculosis prioritising populations more at-risk for TB.”
In our experience, the Delft Light is portable and easy to set up… The CAD4TB system, paired with Delft Light, offers high-quality X-ray images and user-friendly functionality. The rapid generation of CAD scores, along with heat maps, significantly aids in not missing crucial cases. As of June 2023, about 99% of participants underwent CXR.”
…the CAD4TB boxes are helpful for us, and they work in offline mode with the areas where we have limited internet connectivity.”
Delft Light & CAD4TB also helped us as a mobile strategy when we did our campaigns in prisons. We were able to bring that tool… We were still able to carry all of this and to use this in the different prisons.”
In Uganda, CAD4TB is ultilised in two settings: community outreaches and health facilities. For outreaches, digital X-rays and CAD machines housed in the OneStopTb Clinic vans travel through rural areas for widespread screening. Here, everyone at the outreach receives a chest X-ray as the initial screen, regardless of TB symptoms. If their score is 50 or higher, they proceed to GeneXpert testing. In health facilities, CAD4Tb enhances the efficiency of the triage system, being used in a slightly different way.”
About us
At Delft Imaging, we dream of a world where healthcare is a universal right, not a privilege. Through our reliable, cost-effective diagnostic imaging solutions and AI software, we’re driving global health transformations, aiming for a universally healthier future with each innovation.