Reducing Carbon Footprints, Improving Healthcare Outcomes

We are committed to fighting climate change by creating healthcare solutions for tough environments. We support the UN’s goals for ‘Affordable and Clean Energy’ and ‘Reduced Inequalities.’

By joining the UN Global Compact, we show our dedication to sustainability and protecting the environment.

Energy-efficient X-ray systems for sustainable operations

Reducing high-power consumption, our digital X-ray systems operate on single-phase power and standard 220-volt outlets. This feature, along with our power pack solution that allows up to six hours of continuous X-ray use, makes screening more energy-efficient.

Eliminating carbon emissions with digital imaging

Our digital X-ray systems eliminate the need for analog films, usually imported due to complex manufacturing processes unavailable in low—and middle-income countries. Importing these films over long distances contributes to increased CO2. This shift to digital imaging decreases the carbon footprint of medical imaging, offering a cleaner, more sustainable option for outreach TB screening and beyond.

Solar-powered X-ray systems

Designed to operate in low-resource settings, a grid or solar panels can charge our X-ray systems. This adaptability ensures reliable, sustainable operation even in remote regions with unreliable or unavailable electrical grids.

Reducing travel-associated CO2 emissions with remote training

We reduce travel-associated carbon emissions by offering remote training for our equipment. When onsite installation and training are necessary, we collaborate with local partners to minimise environmental impact and promote eco-friendly deployment.

Eco-friendly packaging and maximising utility:

Our eco-friendly wooden packaging reduces our carbon footprint and is fully biodegradable and recyclable. Additionally, the packaging can be repurposed as temporary furniture onsite, maximising utility and supporting practical use in resource-limited settings.

By ensuring our screening solutions are energy-efficient and capable of operating on solar power, we address the healthcare and environmental challenges of climate change.