Chad, in 2020, had a population of approximately 16.5 million people. In that same year, 24,000 estimated people had developed TB. Among them, 3,000 were children. There were also 11,191 missing people with TB, of which 2,073 were children.

Delft Imaging has been a long-term partner of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). Various mobile clinics of Delft Imaging have been included in the UNOPS catalogue, UN Web Buy Plus.

In 2021, the Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Solidarité Nationale procured one mobile tuberculosis X-ray clinic (OneStopTB clinic) through the UN Web Buy Plus platform. The TB mobile screening clinic was a Double Cabin, 4×4 clinic supporting nationwide tuberculosis screening. The necessary installation and training services were provided in-country as part of the project.