The total population of Eswatini totalled approximately 1 million people in 2020. In that year, 3,700 estimated people developed TB. Among them, 300 were children. That same year, there were 1,557 missing people with TB (201 were children).

In 2018, Delft Imaging was pleased to deliver two EasyPortable X-ray systems to the National Emergency Response Council on HIV and AIDS (NERCHA) in Eswatini. The project included two EasyPortable X-ray systems, power packs, and protective lead items (gloves, lead shielding, glasses and aprons). The project also included the necessary installation, commissioning training and maintenance services.

In Eswatini, ten CAD4TB and CAD4Silicosis systems have been procured through the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global) to strengthen the capabilities for diagnosing tuberculosis and silicosis in 2024.

Later that year, the country received three mobile clinics through UNOPS to strengthen healthcare delivery and improve access to essential services.