New progress from our Universal Delft team in Ghana for the “Accelerating case detection of tuberculosis in Ghana” project.
A stakeholders-meeting in Accra was organized to share and discuss on the project. The goal of the meeting was to update everyone on the progress, the challenges
and the way forward. Several challenges and possible solutions were discussed. So far, 25 radiographers could be trained. The first group of radiographers were trained in July 2017 (head image).
In addition, a final acceptance tour around beneficiary facilities started February 12th. Two teams (featured in the pictures below) of GHS engineers, GHS IT-officers, UD-engineers and a GHS-driver set-off from Accra to test deployed project-equipment in 48 sites, screening vans and 10 installed radiological viewing stations. They are expected to complete their exercise before the end of February.
Click here to read the full report