Delft is a candidate for the NABC “Doing Business in Africa” award!
As Delft, we believe that everyone should benefit from modern innovations in the field of healthcare. That is why we focus on providing diagnostic imaging [...]
Our third quarterly newsletter
The September issue of our newsletter contains everything you need to know about our activities at the 49th Union World Conference on Lung Health. To [...]
Interview with CEO Guido Geerts (in Dutch)
In de tweede editie van Dichterbij, het ledenblad van de Rabobank, staat een interview met onze CEO Guido Geerts. Hij vertelt over hoe Delft Imaging [...]
New milestone: 5,000 daily screenings with CAD4TB!
The initial development of CAD4TB started in 2005. In 2011, the first CAD4TB prototype was released and every year since, an updated version has been [...]
Monthly highlights March
Every month, we will share the most interesting and relevant news of Delft. This March we provided various countries with our EasyDR X-ray systems, along [...]
Ghana project progress report
New progress from our Universal Delft team in Ghana for the "Accelerating case detection of tuberculosis in Ghana" project. A stakeholders-meeting in Accra was organized [...]
UNDP & GFATM launch the use of Delft Mobile Clinics
On May 7, 2017, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Sudan has handed over a Mobile Clinic for diagnosis and treatment of Tuberculosis to the [...]
Delft Featured in Partner in the Picture – TFHC
Task Force Health Care (TFHC) is the leading public-private platform for the Dutch Life Sciences & Health sector, providing innovative & sustainable solutions to health [...]
BBC World News reports on Delft Tuberculosis-screening project in Ghana
Every day twenty people die of Tuberculosis in Ghana making the nationwide Delft project ever more relevant. The Delft project focuses on TB diagnosis using [...]