In a significant milestone for public health, Nigeria’s National Tuberculosis Leprosy & Buruli Ulcer Control Programme, working with KNCV Nigeria, has made a historic order for 200 portable X-ray machines. This purchase, managed by Delft Imaging, marks a major step forward in Nigeria’s fight against tuberculosis (TB), a disease that continues to challenge public health nationwide.

Addressing the TB Crisis with innovative technology

Nigeria, with over 200 million people, is one of the countries most affected by tuberculosis. With 1.3 million TB-related deaths worldwide in 2022, Nigeria’s role in fighting this disease is crucial, especially with the recent rise in detected cases—from 120,266 in 2019 to 285,563 in 2023. This increase shows the urgent need for better, more effective ways to detect the disease.

Delft Imaging’s portable X-ray systems, which come with CAD4TB software, are a strategic answer to this need. These systems are designed to be used in remote and underserved areas, allowing healthcare workers to conduct TB screenings even in the most hard-to-reach places. The built-in AI helps quickly and accurately interpret X-ray results, removing the need for an on-site radiologist and greatly improving the efficiency of TB detection efforts.

Impact of Delft Light and CAD4TB in Nigeria

The use of Delft Light and CAD4TB systems has already shown significant results in regions with a high burden of TB. These technologies have improved TB detection rates, with the Number Needed to Screen (NNS) at 50 and the Number Needed to Treat (NNT) at 4. Their success also extends to Nigeria’s prisons, where 4,920 inmates were screened, identifying 72 TB cases.

These technologies transform TB care in underserved communities and show substantial potential in detecting TB if more machines are deployed. Therefore, Delft Light and CAD4TB are crucial in Nigeria’s fight against TB.”

Dr. Bethrand Odume, Director of KNCV Nigeria

Collaboration and local expertise

This landmark order showcases the power of collaboration between international and local partners. McPage, Delft Imaging’s country partner in Nigeria, plays a crucial role by managing the logistics, training, and maintenance needed to use these X-ray systems effectively. Their involvement ensures the deployment is both efficient and sustainable.

It’s fantastic! Great innovation with maximum impact. It started as a new tool project in Nigeria with KNCV… fast track to a few years; we have over 200 units in Nigeria. This shows not only stakeholders’ willingness to invest but the quality and impact of the solution.”

Chinedu Maduka, CEO of McPage

A model for global TB control

While infrastructure issues and the need for ongoing training remain, Nigeria’s commitment offers a hopeful outlook. As these technologies are rolled out across Nigeria’s 36 states and the Federal Capital Territory, they set a new standard for TB detection and control.

Nigeria’s efforts to use cutting-edge technology in its battle against TB serve as a strong example for other nations facing similar public health challenges. Delft Imaging’s collaboration with Nigeria, supported by local expertise, reflects a shared commitment to overcoming one of the world’s most persistent public health threats. This initiative is set to make a lasting impact on the health and well-being of millions of Nigerians, paving the way for a healthier future.

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