
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tuberculosis (TB) remains a major public health issue and a leading cause of death in Mozambique. In July of 2020, their report on Mozambique reflected that TB incidence rates had not improved in recent years and the TB epidemic was compounded y the generalized HIV epidemic, with an adult HIV prevalence of 12.6% in 2018 (about 2.2 million people).

The WHO reported that in 2018, an estimated 162,000 people (551 cases per 100,000 people) fell ill with TB in Mozambique. Out of those, 58,000 (36%) were co-infected with TB and HIV. Yet, according to the WHO global Tb report, only 93,546 were reported, leaving an alarming 68,454 cases (42%) unreached by the health system. Approximately 43,000 people (145 per 100,000) died from TB in Mozambique, with people living with HIV accounting for half of those deaths.

In this context, improving case detection, treatment coverage and adherence, particularly amongst people living with HIV, and integrating TB and HIV services were clear public health priorities.

Already in 2017, Delft supported the NTP with the delivery of 3 Easy portable X-ray and CAD4TB systems which were used for the national TB prevalence survey. An integration was made to capture CAD4TB results into the national TB prevalence database.

In 2019, Delft Imaging provided a multi-functional, stationary X-ray system (the EasyDR) to the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Mozambique. The project included onsite installation and training onsite. Additionally, several solar panels were installed on the roof of the centre. This way, the EasyDR X-ray system installed in the centre can be charged with a sustainable source of electricity: the power of the sun.

In 2020, IOM procured 2 CAD4TB solutions, used for the automated detection of tuberculosis-related abnormalities on chest X-ray images.

The same year, we provided three mobile laboratory clinics to the Ministerio de Saude (Ministry of Health) in Mozambique. The mobile clinics were procured by the Ministry via the UN Web Buy Plus platform of UNOPS. The mobile clinics were fitted into Toyota Hino trucks, had a single cabin and were 4×2 trucks.

Later, in 2023, the Ministry of Health procured three Delft Light portable backpack X-ray systems to complement the mobile laboratory clinics.

Then in 2022, efforts to scale up TB case detection in Mozambique were expanded. Delft Imaging delivered 54 Delft Light portable backpack X-ray systems, each utilizing the CAD4TB artificial intelligence solution. Training and installation was facilitated across ten different provinces, onsite, by Delft Imaging in collaboration with its local partner.

In 2023, Delft Imaging expanded the installed base of CAD4TB with another 7 systems for public hospitals and clinics across the country.

In 2024, 29 CompassDR systems and CAD4TB were procured to the country to improve tuberculosis screening capabilities.

Later the same year, the Ministério da Saúde procured CAD4Silicosis to aid in the diagnosis and management of silicosis, enhancing the country’s overall capacity for respiratory disease detection.

To ensure an effective service and support infrastructure in Mozambique, Delft Imaging works closely with its local in-country partner for a rapid onsite support whenever needed.