Breaking the threshold: Developing multivariable models using computer-aided chest X-ray analysis for tuberculosis triage Breaking the threshold: Developing multivariable models using computer-aided chest X-ray analysis for tuberculosis triage
Computer-aided detection of tuberculosis from chest radiographs in a tuberculosis prevalence survey in South Africa: external validation and modelled impacts of commercially available artificial intelligence software Computer-aided detection of tuberculosis from chest radiographs in a tuberculosis prevalence survey in South Africa: external validation and modelled impacts of commercially available artificial intelligence software
Head-to-head comparison of diagnostic accuracy of TB screening tests: Chest-X-ray, Xpert TB host response, and C-reactive protein Head-to-head comparison of diagnostic accuracy of TB screening tests: Chest-X-ray, Xpert TB host response, and C-reactive protein
An independent, multi-country head-to-head accuracy comparison of automated chest x-ray algorithms for the triage of pulmonary tuberculosis An independent, multi-country head-to-head accuracy comparison of automated chest x-ray algorithms for the triage of pulmonary tuberculosis
Computer-aided detection thresholds for digital chest x-ray interpretation in tuberculosis diagnostic algorithms Computer-aided detection thresholds for digital chest x-ray interpretation in tuberculosis diagnostic algorithms
Early user perspectives on using computer-aided detection software for interpreting chest X-ray images to enhance access and quality of care for persons with tuberculosis Early user perspectives on using computer-aided detection software for interpreting chest X-ray images to enhance access and quality of care for persons with tuberculosis
Evaluation of tuberculosis diagnostic test accuracy using Bayesian latent class analysis in the presence of conditional dependence between the diagnostic tests used in a community-based tuberculosis screening study Evaluation of tuberculosis diagnostic test accuracy using Bayesian latent class analysis in the presence of conditional dependence between the diagnostic tests used in a community-based tuberculosis screening study
CAD4TB software updates: different triaging thresholds require caution by users and regulation by authorities CAD4TB software updates: different triaging thresholds require caution by users and regulation by authorities
Evaluation of chest X-ray with automated interpretation algorithms for mass tuberculosis screening in prisons: A cross-sectional study Evaluation of chest X-ray with automated interpretation algorithms for mass tuberculosis screening in prisons: A cross-sectional study
Early user experience and lessons learned using ultra-portable digital X-ray with computer-aided detection (DXR-CAD) products: A qualitative study from the perspective of healthcare providers Early user experience and lessons learned using ultra-portable digital X-ray with computer-aided detection (DXR-CAD) products: A qualitative study from the perspective of healthcare providers
Economic analysis of different throughput scenarios and implementation strategies of computer-aided detection software as a screening and triage test for pulmonary TB Economic analysis of different throughput scenarios and implementation strategies of computer-aided detection software as a screening and triage test for pulmonary TB
Advances in Deep Learning for Tuberculosis Screening using Chest X-rays: The Last 5 Years Review Advances in Deep Learning for Tuberculosis Screening using Chest X-rays: The Last 5 Years Review